Posts Tagged "uicollectionview"

UITableView DataSource Prefetching

Apple has introduced an API for prefetching the data for a UITableView or UICollectionView in iOS 10. This is a short story about how to implement the UITableViewDataSourcePrefetching protocol. Let's learn how to make our apps buttery smooth, richer, and ...

Compositional Layout Basics

Even though this year at WWDC Apple introduced the new SwiftUI framework, which will redefine the way we create our app UI's from iOS 13, there were as well presented some advances in UIKit, precisely, in the way we can build an UICollectionView through t...

Supplementary Items and Decorations

The previous part of this series covered the ground base for implementing a Compositional Layout. Now that we are comfortable with the base implementation, this part of the series will focus on the Supplementary Items and Decorations that we can use in a ...

Building the App Store using Compositional Layout

In the first 2 parts of this series we learned the basics for implementing a [Compositional Layout]({{ site.baseurl }}{% post_url 2020-01-10-Compositional-Layout-Part1 %}) and how to add Supplementary Items and Decorations. With this knowledge in hand we ...