iOS: Automating the upload of DSYM files to Firebase using Fastlane & Bitrise
What was the issue? Crash reporting is something that's hugely important for all our apps. It allows us to easily find issues within our apps and can give us helpful advice on where to fix them. For our crash reporting, we use Firebase Crashlytics. For th...
How to setup CI/CD for iOS App Development with Fastlane, CircleCI and Firebase App Distribution
App developers always strive to improve the product they are working on. So it is definite that either(mostly) you will be adding new features to existing products or (luckily) you will be setting up a whole new project. Either way, onboarding new develop...
Continuous Integration With Deployment to TestFlight and HockeyApp
We've recently revised our development process on the iOS team and set up a continuous integration server to make and deploy our builds faster, easier and more consistently. This post should shed some light on what we chose and how we set it up. The Requi...