Android Unit Testing is Easy
The reason I am writing this article is because it was very hard for me to find some unit testing materials on Android Components. I hope I can fill the gap. Let’s talk about unit testing for a bit. I am not going to explain what unit testing is in this a...
Google Docs viewer with Flutter
Flutter is a powerful framework when it comes to rendering complex nested widgets with countless styles and customizations. This small project will explain the basics of using Google APIs and Services, in particular Google Drive, Google Docs and rendering...
Android navigation with MVVM and State made easy
Working on a large app with a large number of screens which we organized by feature (Messaging, Settings, Profile, etc.) made me test the single activity - multiple fragments approach by using the Navigation component. This technique has the advantage of ...
Is Flutter ready for production?
After hearing about Flutter from different sources and developers with all kinds of background we decided to try to rebuild an existing Android app in Flutter and see the the state of the Mobile framework. We tried to reproduce as many features as possibl...