Easy web augmented reality with AR Quick Look
Apple is making augmented reality accessible to everyone with AR Quick Look. Not only is this great for iOS apps, but also for websites. Online shopping is one of the best industries that can take advantage of AR, as it can give users the possibility to s...
RubyKaigi Takeout 2020: Day One
Today, I participated in the RubyKaigi Takeout 2020 online conference. It was the first large-scale developer conference that I ever took part in and I am very excited to share my experience with you. What is RubyKaigi? RubyKaigi is the largest conference...
Reverse Proxy Basics and Practice
In computer networking, a forward proxy server, often called a proxy server, is a server application or appliance that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from servers that provide those resources. A proxy server thus funct...
Laravel 8 - A rundown of new features
Laravel 8, the brand new release of the Laravel framework is all set to launch on 8th of September. Taylor Otwell gave an impressive insight of what to expect in this year's Laracon Online. Due to the pandemic, over 5k developers attended it from home and...
Let it flow
I've been working with Flow on production for almost a year now. The light weight kotlin coroutines stream library has completely replaced RxJava for our new projects. RxJava is still a trend for Android Development even in 2020. But this article is not a...
Exploratory Testing
Exploratory testing (ET) is an important testing method in the agile world. As a research tool, it is an important supplement to user story testing and automated regression sets. It does not have many practical test methods, techniques and tools, but it i...
Alibaba Seata
Seata is an open source distributed transaction solution that delivers high performance and easy to use distributed transaction services under a microservices architecture. 1.Overview A distributed transaction solution with high performance and ease of us...
Using MockWebServer On Android
At some point in your code development you'll want to test how the interaction with your app and the API server is being handled, but testing with a real connection with a server is expensive and unstable. Unit tests should be real quick and assert if you...
Android Unit Testing is Easy
The reason I am writing this article is because it was very hard for me to find some unit testing materials on Android Components. I hope I can fill the gap. Let’s talk about unit testing for a bit. I am not going to explain what unit testing is in this a...