Android Image Framework Comparison
As an Android developer you have a lot of options when it comes to adding images to your app. In this blog we will give you a quick comparison between Glide (, Picasso(, Fresco (https://f...
Avoiding tampering on Android
It's important to keep user data safe. Like any software, Android can be target of attacks to access valuable data and even though no software is perfectly safe, as developers we should always follow the security best practices and do what is in our reach...
Android Dark Theme
With the arrival of Android 10, the latest trend in Android development is giving the users the choice to select a dark version of the app. Some say it can help save battery life and some just prefer it because it is easier on the eyes when the user opens...
Android navigation with MVVM and State made easy
Working on a large app with a large number of screens which we organized by feature (Messaging, Settings, Profile, etc.) made me test the single activity - multiple fragments approach by using the Navigation component. This technique has the advantage of ...
Automate Debugging and Testing Workflows using ADB
While developing and testing we usually come across repetitive tasks involving manual efforts. Navigating to a certain part of the app, filling out sign up forms or simply taking screenshots are all time-consuming tasks. In this blog post we look at how w...
Android WorkManager
WorkManager is a new API in Android Architecture Components introduced in the Google I/O 2018. It simplifies and makes it much easier to do work on background threads. The WorkManager schedules tasks as instances of the Worker class and can schedule these...
Android Bottom Navigation
This blog post will give a quick introduction on the new Android Bottom Navigation component, how to setup your project to use it and a few tips on how to utilise it to get the best results. Despite being part of the Material Design recommendations for a ...